We have revamped our logo and website to make it easier to read and navigate. We hope the new
design helps serve our players better and makes navigation smoother. It is mobile friendly
so you can browse and find what you are looking for on the site from your phone with ease.
Winter League Info
Oct,30 2019
Our Winter League details are up! $2000 in Cash Prizes! Only 8 teams spots available. Act now
to take advantage of our Early-Bird pricing before the December 23rd deadline.
More info...
Metro Golf Dome Reopening
Oct,29 2019
Almost 10 months after the collapse of the Metro Golf Dome we are pleased to announce the
much anticipated reopening! The new and improved Metro Golf Sportplex will be reopened in
November. A solid steel structure has replaced the old dome. Three brand new turf fields
have been installed creating a new larger format able to facilitate 7v7, 8v8 and 9v9
matches. Also, new lights and windows have been installed for better lighting and to create
a more open space.
JLSoccer is a recreational sports league in Toronto which hosts soccer pickup games and
leagues since 2008.
We host indoor soccer leagues, outdoor soccer leagues, indoor soccer pickup, outdoor soccer
pickup and cash prize tournaments open to various skill levels.
Players from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels are all welcome to participate.
Weekly matches with consistent turn outs ensure there is always a game!
Learn More...